Sarah, They're Coming For You - Susan Kronick
Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind. - Jim Morrison, An American Prayer

Dr. Sarah Pullman has the ability to see ghosts. she has also been haunted and tormented by them for years. despite her background and training in Psychology and Paranormal Studies, she is at a loss and does not know what else she can do to help them cross over to the light. during a lecture at a women's club, she meets Dinah who informs her what she needs to do. according to Dinah, Sarah must travel all the way to Vienna and confront the restless spirits at her ancestral home if she wishes to put an end to the ghastly visitations.
while reading Sarah, They're Coming For You and taking some notes about it, i was very surprised to learn that the events related in the book were largely based on author Susan Kronick's life. her own experiences are related here through Sarah's eyes - her alter-ego.
this information really gave me goosebumps. i could not fathom how Susan/Sarah goes about her daily affairs when she is assaulted left and right by the unseen. it would have been a consolation in a way if the entities are benign. on the contrary, they are highly malevolent.
i believe in the spiritual realm and that there are good and bad spirits. although i take with a grain of salt some sections of the narrative, there might be a ring of truth in it.
Susan Kronick's writing shines, however, when she discusses the technical aspects of the paranormal. i was impressed every time she would get behind the lectern and assume the role of a professor. "listening" to her talk may be the closest i could get to attending an actual lecture in Paranormal Studies 101. her propensity, though, for labeling Sarah as the speaker, the haunted woman, the ghost hunter, the seer, the frenzied woman, etc. were a bit distracting.
other than this observation, i find the book quite interesting and very informative.

Disclosure of Material Connection: i am a member of Pump Up Your Book! :: Online Book Publicity Tours and a copy was provided by the author. payment may have been received by Pump Up Your Book! :: Online Book Publicity Tours but i did not receive any payment in exchange for this review nor was i obligated to write a positive one. all opinions expressed here are entirely my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, the book's publisher and publicist or the readers of this review. this disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.